Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Two things...

1) Boogie Man went down today. Supernova, still, did not. Neil inched closer on Steady Slobovitch. We need some of the Patz special sauce. What?

2) I threw a bouncy ball off a wall in the gym tonight and it hit someone who was hanging from the rings in the shoulder. He got extremely angry. I was severely reprimanded for my tomfoolery.

Went something like this...

"Do you see me doing pull-ups here, guy? I'm getting huge. Huge. I will take you straight down to China Town pal. Seriously. You do not want to see me start ripping one-arms in my tight-lycra bound muscle tee! Look at my veins--look."

Not really, but I've never seen anyone take themselves so seriously.

Here's some photos of a Supernova session and Gavin working Dr.Yes.

And Max belaying me...thinking, "I did this route like 3 years ago big guy. Jesus. Hurry the F-up." Just kidding--love you Maximus.

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