Thursday, November 05, 2009

PRG: Midnight Burn

My first Midnight Burn was a good time. I thought the setting was done really well, especially in Finals. In fact, I'll probably copy a few moves for the Dark Horse comps. Register now!

But really, sick comp. All the big boys showed up; Rob D, Vasya, Boz, Brian Kim, Stephen Meinhold, and few others that I can't remember. It's always fun to compete against people that you know will most likely kick your ass, but if you try hard enough or they happen to have an off day, you might have a chance to squeak through and place. I ended up in 5th going into finals (there were 25 Open competitors) just ahead of Brian and about 100 points behind Vas, Rob D, and Boz.

Vasya Vorotnikov and Francesca Metcalf ended up on top of their Open categories. Awesome job; always impressed.

And thanks for making the drive Dad and working the camera. You da man.

Warming up before Finals...aka...texting mad babes.

Midnight Burn: Finals #2 from David Wetmore on Vimeo.

Midnight Burn: Finals #3 from David Wetmore on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. dino noricni1:25 AM

    hey, nice videos...glad to hear you thought the setting was done well...set both mens and womens finals 85% of the prelims...first year w. no help lol...was a little worried cause i was getting a bit tired on thursday haha. anyway sweet response to the first paragraph of this moves are copyrigthted hahah. jk...glad you liked them feel free to borrow whatever you like.
